Thursday, September 20, 2007

What am I suppose to do with the rest of my life?


Ahem, okay I am a college student and I know I am not alone when I ask “What am I suppose to do with the rest of my life?” I am an education major and I love kids, but I am always asking myself “what if I am a lousy teacher?” I tend to see myself failing more than I see myself succeeding in all aspects. Nevertheless this is so much more serious, this isn’t just sucking at cheerleading or not getting the main role in a show, this is the rest of my life. Scary huh?

Well I think so and really if you don’t worry about the rest of your life then you must be crazy or not aware. I remember how quickly high school went by it was like a blink. It felt like just yesterday that I was a freshman, but now here I am in college. My point is the future is coming and it scares me, not because I am afraid to grow up but because I am scared I won’t make a difference, that I won’t be fulfilled in life.

What if our dreams never come true or what if our dreams aren’t what we thought they would be. Did we just waste our time? I hope the answer is always no, because if we are only studying to get to a high paying job then we are missing the point. School is about learning and gaining the knowledge to look at the world as an individual. Forget that, Life is about learning and gaining knowledge to look at the world as an individual. Stop looking for the light at the end of the tunnel because no matter how high your GPA is life can throw you a curve ball and you just might not get what you want. So suck up all the knowledge you can get and enjoy what is happening now.

“What am I suppose to do with the rest of my life?” is so tightly tied with “what am I doing right now?” Just taking it moment by moment, looking at yourself, and altering the plan day by day. Listen to yourself because you are the only one who knows what you want. Follow no one but yourself and accept the person you are failures and all because at the end of the road you’ll know you listened to who you were suppose to.


blah said...

Life is what you make of it. You have to seek out the positive. Ask yourself, do you really want to be a teacher? I too am an elementary education major and I understand your frustration. teaching is pretty much all about the kids. And if you love kids, you're that much closer to being a successful teacher.

Again, life is what you make of it. Some people live their lives only to other's expectations. I say hell with that. Do what you want and to hell with everything else.

Taryn said...

I'm definatly right along with you. I just switched my major this summer trying to figure out what it is I really want to do with the rest of my life. I agree with you that it's not just about making lots of money, you have to be passionate and love what your doing so that your happy living your life. You don't want to be making money in a job that you hate, that's not what life is about. It's about enjoying what you do and having great people in your life to enjoy it with.

Max said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you. Life is what you make of it, but of course you're what life makes of you.

Cody Kucker said...

if you assume the worst it always ends up better than expected. take the now, the future is uncertain, unless your in the Bible belt. I think we all need to calm down a bit about the "future"

daverain said...

Big question for your 2nd post. Don't worry about being a bad teacher; in my experience they get hired a lot! Just kidding, I'm sure you'll do fine. The really bad teachers are the ones who dont care.

Jessica said...

You care and have an idea of what you want to do. Take it one step at a time. I really do understand how you feel about the big questions. It really will work out. Take it one step at a time and you'll figure it out. One day all the pieces will come together and you'll know all the answers. It's a process, unfortunately, it's all a process.

Anonymous said...

Certainly not an easy task, to figure out what you're going to do with your life... but to quote som cheezy commercail I heard on the radio this morning as I drove to school... "Find something you love to do, and you'll never have to work a day in your life."
It's not all about work though, try to look at "what you want to do with your life" in other respects too... where you want to live... what you want to explore, you know...
Switching your major is never anything to be regretful about either... it took me a while to realize it, but not education is a waste. I went from being a business major to getting a degree in early childhood education, to deciding I wanted to teach high school English... now I'm an English Major...
If you love children... you'll be a great teacher! That's what it takes to be a good teacher!

fashionably smitten said...

I think that we all reach a point in our lives when we begin second guessing our choices. The thing I have always loved about teachers where the ones who loved their job. As long as you are happy with what you are doing, money and everything else won't matter as much. I think the greatest accomplishment in life is to be able to get up in the morning and be whole heartdly excited to go to work.

rpeire02 said...

We're in Principles and Practices together! I often struggle with what I want to do for the rest of my life. Which is probably why I've taken a ton of classes, all in an effort to figure myself out. I think that I am working towards the right goal for me now, but I worry that I'll mess it up somehow. 2 + 2 = chair?!?

Joe W said...

I think as long as you follow your heart, you'll end up happy. There will always be a need for good teachers. Plus, you can't be any worse than some I've had.